How does a signature change a person's life? How many people's lives affect by the signature of a persons' individual will? How far back is it necessary to start life again? The schools you studied; high schools, universities… Is it possible to leave them all behind and start a new life? Ulaş Bayraktar, who was dismissed from Mersin University by Decree No. 689 on April 29, 2017; Since the day he lost his father in a clash of arms when he was five, who was a captain in the army, he became one of the signatory academics, believing that the conflict that has been going on for nearly 40 years can be resolved through peace. After a "signature" that created a shocking change in his life, he sought ways to be together with books, people and young people. In the end, together with Ayşe Gül Yılgör and Galip Deniz Altınay, who are peace signatories like himself, they built the alternative academy of Mersin, the Kültürhane, which demonstrated that the academy corresponded to meanings far beyond the buildings and titles. 'Looking to the Horizon' starts from the story of Ulaş Bayraktar, who shows that joy is a form of resistance, and witnesses the transformation of a space with different stories and solidarity into a huge island of hope.
Çiğdem Mazlum

She was born in 1983 in Ankara. She worked as a video editing assistant in TRT Documentary Unit during my student years at the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, Ankara University between 2003 and 2007. In addition, She was the scriptwriter and editor of the short educational films that were shot to be broadcast in TRT. After her graduation in 2007, she focused on documentary cinema and script work. Conducting her own scenario studies between 2011-2014, she received Script Development Support from the Ministry of Culture General Directorate of Cinema in 2014 with her first feature-length story titled "I Remember Tomorrow". In 2015, the same story became a finalist in the TURSAK Best First Script Competition. During the same period, she conducted documentary works as a producer and director for Aljazeera Türk and various news televisions. In 2016, his feature-length documentary titled " Gönderen: İlhan Sami Çomak", which he produced and directed, was shown and received awards in many festivals, also was among the best documentary candidates of the year in SİYAD. The feature-length script "Lost", which was completed in 2018, was awarded the National Long Project Development Support organized within the scope of the 29th Ankara International Film Festival.