Mısra and Defne are two close friends and duet partners, who met each other through synchronized swimming, with their totally different characters. After failing to qualify for the 2016 Olympics, they set a shared goal, the 2020 Olympics. While struggling to make this dream happen, they try to cope with numerous problems such as the poorly run federation and the Covid-19 pandemic. Fighting for success in a suppressive country for women and LGBTI+, the duet partners will have to give a hard decision whether to keep the fight or to find new paths in life.
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Ekin İlkbağ – İdil Akkuş

Born in Istanbul in 1998, Ekin İlkbağ studied cinema at the University of the Arts London. In 2016, she co-directed and co-produced her first feature film Duet with İdil Akkuş. She is a former synchronized swimming athlete.
Born in Istanbul in 1995, İdil Akkuş completed her cinema education at Istanbul University. In 2016, she co-directed, co-produced and edited her first documentary film Duet with Ekin İlkbag. She is a film editor and former synchronized swimming athlete.